Jan 13, 2021

Sure you can drink special tea and eat oatmeal with flax for supply, but caring for breastfeeding is SO much more than that

Some things that have supported me during this time:

Eating ENOUGH. The hunger is real and now is not the time to be thinking about weight loss. Doing my best to eat three real meals with protein + fat to keep me full and eating snacks without guilt.

Swapping scrolling for meditating during feeds (and in general). Way better for my mental health and being stuck on the couch without entertainment to numb out to can be pretty powerful ⚡️

Cosleeping. This helps me maximize my sleep because of minimal stimulation. Never having to get up to feed my baby is pretty awesome. Cosleeping is GREAT to help boost milk supply. And he’s pretty cute to wake up to 🥰

Surrendering to this phase of life and the fact that hours spent on the couch might have to be prioritized over doing laundry 🤷🏼‍♀️

Prioritize self care. This looks different for everyone but I like to exercise, meditate, drive somewhere alone, or hide in bathroom (lol). Whatever you can do to reduce stress, which can reduce supply significantly.

Crying! Because this sh!t is hard and all the pent up energy needs to be released!


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